I am currently a research scientist at Netflix, working on machine learning and computer graphics for content creation. Previously, I earned my PhD in the Geometric Data Processing Group at MIT CSAIL, advised by Prof. Justin Solomon. My research interests lie on the intersection of graphics, machine learning, computer vision, and geometry.
I have been lucky to complete summer internships at Pixar Research, Adobe Research, Harvey Mudd College, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Google Maps. Prior to MIT, I received my BA in Math and Computer Science from Pomona College, advised by Prof. Vin de Silva.
In my spare time, I enjoy photography, cooking, and mixology.
@inproceedings{deng2024infiniteresolution, title={Infinite-Resolution Integral Noise Warping for Diffusion Models}, author={Deng, Yitong and Lin, Winnie and Li, Lingxiao, and Smirnov, Dmitriy and Burgert, Ryan and Yu, Ning and Dedun, Vincent and Taghavi, Mohammed H.}, year={2025}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)} }
@inproceedings{lin2024diffusiontexturing, title={A Diffusion-Based Texturing Pipeline for Production-Grade Assets}, author={Lin, Winnie and Smirnov, Dmitriy and Smith, Richard}, year={2024}, booktitle={SIGGRAPH Talks} }
@inproceedings{smirnov2023magentagreenscreen, title={Magenta Green Screen: Spectrally Multiplexed Alpha Matting with Deep Colorization}, author={Smirnov, Dmitriy and LeGendre, Chloe and Yu, Xueming and Debevec, Paul}, year={2023}, booktitle={The Digital Production Symposium (DigiPro)} }
@inproceedings{zhang2022wassersplines, title={Wassersplines for Stylized Neural Animation}, author={Zhang, Paul and Smirnov, Dmitriy and Solomon, Justin}, year={2022}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE SIGGRAPH/Eurographics in Computer Animation (SCA)} }
@phdthesis{smirnov2022deep, title={Deep Learning on Geometry Representations}, school={Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, author={Smirnov, Dmitriy}, year={2022}, }
@inproceedings{palmer2022deepcurrents, title={{DeepCurrents}: Learning Implicit Representations of Shapes with Boundaries}, author={Palmer, David and Smirnov, Dmitriy and Wang, Stephanie and Chern, Albert and Solomon, Justin}, year={2022}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)} }
@inproceedings{smirnov2021marionette, title={{MarioNette}: Self-Supervised Sprite Learning}, author={Smirnov, Dmitriy and Gharbi, Micha\"el and Fisher, Matthew and Guizilini, Vitor and Efros, Alexei A. and Solomon, Justin}, year={2021}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)} }
@article{li2021hex, title={Interactive All-Hex Meshing via Cuboid Decomposition}, author={Li, Lingxiao and Zhang, Paul and Smirnov, Dmitriy and Abulnaga, Mazdak and and Solomon, Justin}, month={December}, year={2021}, journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, publisher={ACM}, volume={40}, number={6}, pages={256:1--256:17} }
@article{smirnov2021hodgenet, title={{HodgeNet}: Learning Spectral Geometry on Triangle Meshes}, author={Smirnov, Dmitriy and Solomon, Justin}, month={August}, year={2021}, journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, publisher={ACM}, volume={40}, number={4}, pages={166:1--166:11} }
@inproceedings{girard2021pbs, title={Polygonal Building Segmentation by Frame Field Learning}, author={Girard, Nicolas and Smirnov, Dmitriy and Solomon, Justin and Tarabalka, Yuliya}, year={2021}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)} }
@inproceedings{smirnov2021patchbased, title={Learning Manifold Patch-Based Representations of Man-Made Shapes}, author={Smirnov, Dmitriy and Bessmeltsev, Mikhail and Solomon, Justin}, year={2021}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)} }
@inproceedings{smirnov2020dps, title={Deep Parametric Shape Predictions using Distance Fields}, author={Smirnov, Dmitriy and Fisher, Matthew and Kim, Vladimir G. and Zhang, Richard and Solomon, Justin}, year={2020}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)} }
@article{smirnov2020tmt, title={Triplet Merge Trees}, author={Smirnov, Dmitriy and Morozov, Dmitriy}, year={2020}, journal={Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization V} }